Prepare Your Team for AWP Excellence

Owners, EPCs, and Contractors achieve seamless adoption of new processes and technology with O3's expert training and consulting services—for single projects or across an enterprise to ensure you are set up for success.


Single Project Offerings

Project AWP Health Check

For clients actively engaged in AWP on a project. This will assess the status of their AWP execution and guide toward AWP maturity.

Phase: Pre-FEED, FEED, or early Execute.

Location: Client or EPC office.

Duration: 3 weeks


  • Prep – Review all project documents on AWP – PEP, org chart, schedule (incl basis), AWP procedure, AWP plan, plot plan c/w CWAs, Path of Construction, WBS, EWP/CWP matrix, EWP/CWP template, planned contract language, engineering data (incl 3D model)
  • On-site – Interviews with project stakeholders including AWP Lead, CM, Procurement, Engineering Manager, Scheduler, Estimator, Contracts Administrator, and Document Control.
  • Report out – Recommendations for policies, procedures, AWP plan, schedule alignment, WBS, EWP/CWP templates, workflow diagram, AWP RASCI, AWP data requirements, and AWP KPIs.
Contractor Selection

For clients selecting an EP, EPC, or C contractor. This will provide guidance and assessment of their AWP capabilities. 

Phase: Pre-FEED or FEED (for EP/EPC). Execute (for C).

Location: Client or EPC office.

Project WFP Health Check

For clients actively engaged in WFP on a project. This will assess the status of their WFP execution and guide them toward WFP maturity.

Phase: Execute (Construction).

Location: A construction site.

Duration: 4 weeks


  • Prep – Review all project documents on WFP – PEP, org chart, schedule (incl basis), WFP procedure, WFP plan, plot plan c/w CWAs, Path of Construction, WBS, CWP/IWP matrix, IWP template
  • On-site – Interviews with project stakeholders including AWP Lead, CM, WF Planner Lead, WF Planners, Procurement, Field Engineering, Scheduler, Estimator, Contracts Administrator, and Document Control. Perform a HoTT study (using ONTools).
  • Report out – Recommendations for policies, procedures, WFP plan, schedule alignment, WBS, IWP templates, workflow diagram, WFP RASCI, WFP data requirements, and WFP KPIs.
Project WFP Plan

For clients who want to roll out WFP on a project, but have no starting point. This will establish a full WFP process for the project.

Phase: Execute.

Location: Client or EPC office, before mobilization.

Duration: 6 weeks


  • Prep – Review key project documents to provide an overview of scope and plan – CEP, org chart, schedule (incl basis), plot plan, WBS
  • On-site – Training: introduction to WFP for awareness and practitioners. Workshops with project stakeholders to define the WFP process, including execution, planning, constraint management, schedule, estimating, reporting, and technology.  
  • Report out – Creation of all required project policies, procedures, WFP plan, schedule alignment, WBS, IWP/TWP templates, workflow diagram, WFP RASCI, WFP data requirements, and WFP KPIs.
Project AWP Plan

For clients who want to roll out AWP on a project, but have no starting point. This will establish a full AWP/WFP process for the project.

Phase: Pre-FEED, FEED, or early Execute.

Location: Client or EPC office.

Duration: 7 weeks


  • Prep – Review key project documents to provide an overview of scope and plan – PEP, org chart, schedule (incl basis), plot plan, WBS
  • On-site – Training: introduction to AWP for awareness and practitioners. Workshops with project stakeholders to define AWP / WFP process, including CWA, AWP Master Index, PoC, schedule, estimating, Engineering, Procurement, AWP data, and technology.  
  • Report out – Creation of all required project policies, procedures, AWP plan, schedule alignment, WBS, EWP/CWP templates, workflow diagram, AWP RASCI, AWP data requirements, and AWP KPIs.

Enterprise Offerings

Company AWP Health Check

For clients actively engaged in AWP across a portfolio of projects. This will assess the status of their AWP execution and guide them toward AWP maturity.

Phase: Any time.

Location: Client or EPC office.

Duration: 4 weeks


  • Prep – Review various project documents on AWP from a selection of projects – PEP, org chart, schedule (incl basis), AWP procedure, AWP plan, plot plan c/w CWAs, Path of Construction, WBS, EWP/CWP matrix, EWP/CWP template, planned contract language, engineering data (incl 3D model)
  • On-site – Interviews with stakeholders from various projects including AWP Lead, CM, Procurement, Engineering Manager, Scheduler, Estimator, Contracts Administrator, and Document Control.
  • Report out – Recommendations for policies, procedures, AWP plan, schedule alignment, WBS, EWP/CWP templates, workflow diagram, AWP RASCI, AWP data requirements, and AWP KPIs.
Company WFP Health Check

For clients actively engaged in WFP across a portfolio of projects. This will assess the status of their WFP execution and guide them toward WFP maturity.

Phase: Any time.

Location: Head Office and/or various construction sites.

Duration: 4 weeks


  • Prep – Review various project documents on WFP – PEP, org chart, schedule (incl basis), WFP procedure, WFP plan, plot plan c/w CWAs, Path of Construction, WBS, CWP/IWP matrix, IWP template
  • On-site – Interviews with project stakeholders including AWP Lead, CM, WF Planner Lead, WF Planners, Procurement, Field Engineering, Scheduler, Estimator, Contracts Administrator, and Document Control. Perform a HoTT study (using ONTools).
  • Report out – Recommendations for policies, procedures, WFP plan, schedule alignment, WBS, IWP templates, workflow diagram, WFP RASCI, WFP data requirements, and WFP KPIs.
Project WFP Plan

For clients who want to roll out WFP across a portfolio of projects, but have no starting point. This will establish a full WFP process for the company.

Phase: Any time.  

Location: Head office and/or various construction sites.

Duration: 10 weeks


  • Prep – Review various key project documents to provide an overview of scope and plan – CEP, org chart, schedule (incl basis), plot plan, WBS
  • On-site – Training: introduction to WFP for awareness and practitioners. Workshops with project stakeholders to define the WFP process, including execution, planning, constraint management, schedule, estimating, reporting, and technology.  Perform an HoTT study (using ONTools) to create a pre-AWP baseline.
  • Report out – Creation of all required project policies, procedures, WFP plan, schedule alignment, WBS, IWP/TWP templates, workflow diagram, WFP RASCI, WFP data requirements, and WFP KPIs.
Company AWP Plan

For clients who want to roll out AWP across a portfolio of projects, but have no starting point. This will establish a full AWP/WFP process for the company.

Phase: Any time.

Location: Client or EPC office.

Duration: 12 weeks


  • Prep – Review various key project documents to provide an overview of scope and plan – PEP, org chart, schedule (incl basis), plot plan, WBS
  • On-site – Training: introduction to AWP for awareness and practitioners. Workshops with project stakeholders to define AWP / WFP process, including CWA, AWP Master Index, PoC, schedule, estimating, Engineering, Procurement, AWP data, and technology.  
  • Report out – Creation of all required project policies, procedures, AWP plan, schedule alignment, WBS, EWP/CWP templates, workflow diagram, AWP RASCI, AWP data requirements, and AWP KPIs.

Implement an Effective AWP Strategy with O3's Consulting Services

Reap all the benefits of AWP by engaging with O3’s team of seasoned specialists, who will work in lock-step with your company to achieve your goals.

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