Data & Tech
June 21, 2023

What Makes O3 the Market-Leading AWP Software?


Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) continues to grow as a best practice for capital projects, and more organizations are turning to software solutions to support their AWP journey. There are a number of such products available on the market today, and choosing between them can sometimes be a daunting task.

So what makes O3 the market-leading AWP software?

Built for AWP

O3 was designed to support AWP right from the start. This isn’t something we got into late or had to pivot to support. This is a product that was created with the sole purpose of providing clients with the ultimate in AWP technology.


First of the modern generation

Some products on the market have been around for longer than O3, but these are the older, thick client applications that get installed on your computer, take months to set up, and only really work well with graphical components like pipe and steel. O3 is the first of the new breed of modern cloud-based solutions, which gives us unlimited scope for scalability and flexibility – both in terms of User Interface and in terms of other applications that we can link to.


Coupled with this “first of the modern generation” concept, O3 can combine that modern approach with over seven years of proven experience. Our software has been used on over 500 projects by dozens of Owners, EPCs and Contractors. We have hosted more than 20,000 users in the tool, so we have many years of development and lessons learned that can be immediately passed on to our clients. O3’s combination of modern solutions and experience is unique in the AWP software market.


Continuous Innovation

We create a new release of the software EVERY TWO WEEKS. We are continuously updating and innovating to ensure we stay at the leading edge of AWP software development. This means that new ideas and concepts can often take only a matter of weeks to go from the drawing board to the production environment.


We Listen

Combined with this continuous innovation is the concept of soliciting feedback from clients and users. This isn’t just to make people feel heard – it helps craft our product roadmap, and it ensures that all the good ideas that come from our users can be incorporated into the tool. And because we are a SaaS solution, every user gets immediate access to all the development.

We Don’t Push Services

We are a software company. The best-case scenario for us is to train our clients quickly and easily on the software and then make them self-sufficient. We don’t sell services after the initial implementation, so we can greatly limit the manpower costs for a project and focus on delivering great software.


Unlimited User Licenses

O3 understands that AWP is a collaboration, so we don’t sell ‘seats’. When you sign up with O3, you get the software and unlimited user licenses. In fact, we encourage you to get all your AWP users into the tool, including Owners, Engineering, Construction, Vendors, Suppliers, Services Providers, and anyone else who has anything to contribute to making AWP a success. All at no extra cost.

To learn more, schedule your personalized demo today!

Trusted. Proven. Unmatched.

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Experience how O3 can streamline your project management, reduce costs, and ensure on-time, on-budget delivery. Start your journey to smarter execution today.

OnDesign Screen view of O3 product

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