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April 11, 2023

O3 Placed in the 2023 Capterra Shortlist for Agile Project Management Software


O3, a platform that helps you learn how to effectively create, track and manage work packages with our many construction solutions, is proud to share its mention in the flagship report of Capterra, a free online service that helps organizations find the right software.

O3 is recognized as a Noteworthy Product in the 2023 Shortlist for Agile Project Management Software. Noteworthy Products have distinguished themselves among all the products in the category by being among the top-rated and most popular products, as well as offering key features our researchers have identified as core to the category. These may be products to watch or that have specific strengths. Have a look at our recognition:



Capterra Shortlist is an independent assessment that evaluates user reviews and online search activity to generate a list of market leaders in the software space that offer the most popular solutions. 

Here’s what our CEO has to say about these incredible achievements:

“We’re incredibly proud of the work our team has done to provide an excellent user experience,” said Josh Girvin, O3 CEO. “We continuously strive for being the best in our market at providing innovative and effective solutions while delivering an unmatched user experience so it’s very gratifying to be recognized for our hard work.” 

Our users have made it possible! With an overall rating of 4.4 out of 5, we received some stellar reviews on Capterra:

“The most impactful features are you can assign constraints on certain people, see that history of those. Also, the history of IWPs, and their change of status based on reasons, are very useful for the metrics. It shows all boundaries that the project team is involved with.”

[Rustam N.]

“ I can readily see discrepancies between activity status and dates owing to an improved dashboard feature. Constraint notification makes constraints much traceability. Getting export ensures the preparation of good and efficient reports.”

[Eren C.]

“ I am very familiar with O3 and the benefits of this software. I rely heavily on O3, and I am very satisfied with its performance and ease of use”

[Wayne M.]

About CapterraCapterra is a software reviews and selection platform that connects businesses to the right technology. Compare software, read and leave reviews, and access objective insights that empower business growth.


The Capterra Shortlist badge is a service mark of Gartner, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. The Capterra Shortlist report constitutes the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Capterra or its affiliates.


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Our Latest Resources

Creating a Project Management Roadmap: 7 Pro Tips
What is Construction Project Management Software?
Agile Construction Project Management: More Than a Buzzword