News & Events
May 6, 2021

AWP xChange 2021: Here’s What You Missed

The first-ever AWP xChange was a great success! We heard some valuable information on the digital transformation that construction must make to effectively support Advanced Work Packaging. O3 clients presented case studies highlighting the scalability of AWP, how to successfully go digital with AWP, and beginning with the end in mind.

O3 CEO, Josh Girvin also gave an engaging presentation on AWP technology as well as a fun and interactive workshop focused on the challenges and solutions for implementing AWP.

Client Case Studies from Leading Owners & EPCs

Shell: From Skeptic to Believer – Scaling AWP One Step at a Time

Shell explained how they were able to scale AWP in steps, ultimately making them true believers in the best practice methodology. Before they began their journey, they established goals for each “crawl walk run” phase. This helped establish a timeline and deliverables. From there Shell was able to create a menu of sorts to determine what functionalities they wanted to include in their program, like WorkFace Planning, work packaging, project management, engineering, and scaffolding. Scalability was set with AWP construction swim lanes for each AWP role to be able to select, define and execute. To support their program and methods they used O3 to measure goals at each stage with modified and off-the-shelf dashboards in addition to associated actions/decisions. Technology ultimately helped them process clarity with automation, reporting, and analytics. Some of the key benefits Shell gained included role clarity, enhanced communication, transparency, predictability, standardization, and rhythm.

Suncor: Suncor’s Transformation Journey – Digital + AWP = Success

Suncor began its AWP journey by getting started early in the Front-End Planning phase. One thing they learned is that Owners need to drive clarity in project objectives and success factors because AWP requirements need to be included in all scopes of work. Suncor also explained that you cannot assume that everyone understands “digital project”. But AWP can help bridge the gap by adopting best practices to modern methods. Their current state of the journey includes an integration between functions and organizations that is primarily document-centric with info exchanged between stakeholders through email, spreadsheets, etc. This opens the door to errors throughout the process. The future state includes an investment in an Integrated Digital Solution that will provide stakeholders with a democratized single source of truth – both as an asset and non-asset-based info during the project lifecycle.  One of the key takeaways from Suncor is to start small and stick with it, incremental changes scale to transformational in time.  


Linde: Integrated EPC Planning & Execution with the End in Mind

Linde shared some helpful insights into implementing a successful AWP program through an integrated EPC Planning & Execution with the end in mind. Linde provided a look at their AWP Journey from their first documented procedures through today’s mature program that included graphical and non-graphical work package creation and automated processes. They discussed providing deliverables by construction sequence and the importance of involving engineering and procurement in your program and including all disciplines starting from the concept phase. Some of the key takeaways to achieving success included sticking to CII/COAA and industry AWP principles and terminology. The importance of AWP in the concept/feed phase meaning the frontloaded Path of Construction is essential. With that, creating a stable foundation for EP execution. Consistency is also key for EP execution such as the definition and tracking of EWPs and PWPs. Lastly, WorkFace Planning needs to be considered with transparency for early mitigation. Linde also found that a common WFP platform provides better cooperation in addition to providing a 3D construction model and graphical work packaging, data requirements, and more.

Product Innovation & AWP Technology Roadmap

Josh Girvin, O3 CEO, led a presentation on O3’s view of where AWP is going what the priority of potential technology expansion opportunities are. He explained that AWP is always a journey, you can’t turn on a switch and make it start. It’s a progressive change over time and is successful with using technology to support it. The big point he made is expanding your technology to adapt as you mature in AWP knowledge and processes.

The importance of aligning technology with your journey is essential. But you can’t wait for a process to be perfect before applying technology. Introduce technology with processes to avoid double change management. Be sure to get value from where you are and select a technology that can grow with you.


The current technology landscape includes standard project tools and then AWP tools. The current landscape for AWP tools mostly includes WorkFace Planning only, otherwise, it’s in Excel spreadsheets. O3 modern platform includes AWP solutions for FEP, EP, C&S, and of course WorkFace Planning.

Josh goes on to explain that another important piece of AWP technology that has been missing from the industry is digital mobility tools. O3 has released ONField which is focused on AWP for construction and is app-based and easy to use all over a job site.

The current landscape, as Josh notes, includes technology to support work packaging from concept through commissioning. But he goes on to point out that technology needs to move in the direction of making WorkFace Planning accessible to all projects, AWP value needs to be driven directly to EP, and AWP-specific mobility is needed.

Inspiration & Innovation Interactive Workshops

O3 used MURAL, an interactive whiteboard tool, for all attendees to collaborate within determining the challenges and solutions with AWP technology adoption. Here are a few highlights from the workshop on common challenges and then solutions.

Identifying AWP Technology Challenges Preventing AWP Adoption and Benefits Realization

Some of the common challenges the group agreed on were surrounding data management, materials management, and a lack of consistent AWP definitions and requirements. The cost was also a commonality associated with AWP software. The group then brainstormed on how each of these challenges might be solved or addressed.

Defining Potential Solutions to AWP Technology Challenges Worth Solving

While solving all these AWP technology challenges takes time, the group did come up with some viable answers. For example, the group agreed that a more scalable offering that can be aligned with scalable categories is needed in software. Modular software solutions would be helpful and a way to rationalize the AWP data standards against CFIHOS with a consolidated approach.


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