How automation, visibility and accountability are improving the job.
Visibility and accountability are paramount for the success of an Advanced Work Packaging program. To do so in accordance with best practices, the proper tools and technology are needed for Owners, EPC Firms and Contractors. All stakeholders must adopt AWP best practices for the program to be healthy and successful.
The elephant in the room is the age-old spreadsheet. It works on a basic level but comes with many obvious hurdles. It’s hard to kick the mindset of “if it’s not broke don’t fix it. For that matter, any type of manual workflow and multiple resources are error prone, waste valuable man-hours and reduce visibility into the health and performance of the work package process. But what if those systems truly are “broken”? And by broken, meaning they just are not good enough anymore.
The approval process cannot keep up with manual systems. We need things approved in real-time, or what is the use? Slow approvals cause critical work packages to be delayed and eventually costing more rework. Nobody’s got time for that, and quite frankly it should not be tolerated anymore.
How effective can your project truly be if you lack the ability to track the status and progress of each work package? Without tracking mass confusion, delayed work and more rework are created. Why continue down this manual path?
Luckily, you no longer have to continue to put up with manual processes for work packaging. O3 has the digital solutions to make the job of the WorkFace Planner easier. We take the manual processes and make them automated providing visibility into the project and assigning accountability.
Specifically, the ONPace solution is designed to consume data from existing tools during construction execution to identify potential areas of improvement. It also helps track and manage work across multiple teams and work package types in addition to managing any constraints that might be holding up work.
It is no wonder that by combining technology and automation with AWP best practices, O3 clients see as much as 25:1 ROI
Visibility for multiple stakeholders is achieved through a variety of dashboards and reporting tools that allow you to see status, leading indicators, and the health of the work packaging process. It is also broken down by role, team discipline and location.
You can manage work packages across Construction Work Areas, Construction Work Packages, Installation Work Packages and Scaffold Work Packages.
As a digital tool, O3 can consume data from other sources to make your management easy and in one location.
Visibility also means an extensive Work Package Management and Tracking feature that provides progress tracking, RFI tracking, trends and targeted areas to name a few.
Constraint Management consolidates constraint lists for all stakeholders. Workflows are assigned by owner, due date and priority and task management is automated with notifications. Powerful constraint reporting for WorkFace Planners makes life simpler and more effective.
WorkFace Planning is complex, but it does not have to be difficult or cumbersome. The digital transformation is upon industrial construction and evolving is mandatory.