O3 Insider
February 23, 2023

O3_Insider: Software to Support AWP – AWP & Engineering


There’s no question that Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) brings value to construction, but the benefits don’t stop there. AWP has tremendous upside as a delivery system for Engineering, allowing stakeholders to apply similar concepts used for construction execution to the design process. What if, on top of that, you had a software toolset designed to help manage your engineering scope and deliverables? 

Enter ONDesign – O3’s Advanced Work Packaging solution for engineering.

Engineering contractors lose granularity when focusing on planning at a discipline level. With O3’s Design Work Packages (DWPs), the engineering scope can be broken down into bite-sized chunks. Design engineers can be assigned to separate DWPs, offering improved granularity and visibility while also ensuring accountability towards their respective deliverables. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean you lose reporting at the discipline level. Estimates and progress across DWPs roll up to the Engineering Work Package (EWP), while your rules of credit can be tracked via Execution Tasks.

Constraint management doesn’t just apply to field personnel – it can serve to improve engineering delivery as well. O3’s auto-created constraints make work package management easy, letting you automate who to assign it to and when they need to be completed. You can also use other engineering data, like vendor data, to constrain your EWPs. Pre-conditions can be set to ensure constraints are closed and approvals cleared, giving you control over your team’s workflow, and only releasing packages when they are ready.

O3 provides access to create and manage Vendor Work Packages (VWPs), which can be used to provide better visibility on vendor data status, while also helping the design team to understand how the VWP will affect the parent EWP, and what the impact of delays will be to the overall execution sequence. 

AWP processes and O3’s platform not only benefit construction, it benefits engineering as well. By breaking down the scope and offering improved visibility, project stakeholders can better understand the status of engineering deliverables. By implementing constraint management, engineering contractors can work with the end in mind and avoid schedule or budget overruns. 

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OnDesign Screen view of O3 product

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