Data & Tech
July 2, 2024

How Data Management Systems Ensure Efficient Project Execution

Most people are familiar with the term “garbage in, garbage out”, especially as it applies to database technology. It implies that even the best software in the world can’t fill in the gaps that come from poor or incomplete inputs. Think of a grainy photo – it doesn’t matter how much you zoom in, the picture will never get clearer.

Data architecture is a foundational step in managing data, providing a blueprint for documenting data assets and mapping data flows.

AWP Software & Data Management Systems

Advanced Work Packaging and the software to digitize it rely heavily on inputs from other systems. On any given project, your AWP tool should be integrated with an array of other systems including 3D model, document management, material management, timesheets, fabrication, and completions. This can involve a huge amount of data transfer back and forth.

3-1-800x450 (2)The good news is that, if done well, this data integration can provide massive benefits to your project and your AWP plans. It means a Workface Planner doesn’t have to chase document registers, expediting reports, fabrication status reports, emails, stacks of drawings, and so on. By bringing all this data together in one system as part of a robust data management process, your Workface Planner can instantly see all the relevant information and build viable packages very efficiently.

But what about the “garbage in” part? What happens if your data is not perfect?

Bad or Incomplete Data Quality Management for 3D Models with AWP Software

The good news is that you are not alone. O3 has executed more than 550 projects, and I doubt that a single one of them had perfect data. Information is always missing, incorrect, or in the wrong place, which highlights the importance of data quality. A lot of this comes down to AWP being a relatively new process for some companies and some elements of the data requirements being new to Engineering contractors or data providers.

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The Solution for Data Management Strategy Using AWP Software

But all is not lost. Just because the data is missing, doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed. We have several ways we can help:

Firstly, O3 can provide a comprehensive data specification so your project stakeholders know what has to be delivered for all disciplines.

In addition, our data management solutions are designed to handle large volumes of data and ensure data-driven decision-making.

Then, even if the data is not perfect (which it never is), we can use our vast experience and unmatched technology to make it work. We can link the data from a wide variety of sources and combine it all into the virtual construction model.

  • Missing field weld information, or a model that shows pipe in 400’ lengths? No problem, we can import the data directly from the fabricator to show what is coming to the site.
  • Model doesn’t have data attribution for insulation? No problem, we can import the line list data and relate it to the ISOs in the model so you can graphically see the pipe that needs insulation.
  • No unique material identifier in the model? O3 can create one during the model processing using other data such as commodity code, schedule, and bore size.

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Using O3 Data Analysis Tools Can Solve Your Data Management Issues

These are just a few examples. So if your data isn’t perfect, don’t sweat it. As good or as bad as it is, you can be certain that we have seen it all before.

Data governance plays a crucial role in ensuring high data quality levels and compliance with data policies.

And if you aren’t sure, send us the data and we can use it to perform a Pilot Project, to show how easily O3 can fill in the gaps. Trust, but verify.

To learn more, reach out to schedule your personalized demo. 
Trusted. Proven. Unmatched.

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