Success Story
September 20, 2021

Implementing Advanced Work Packaging on Multiple Projects in a Portfolio

O3 Solutions partnered with a chemical facility with a portfolio of small projects. Advanced Work Packaging was used across the entire enterprise in a scalable way.

The Challenge: Inability to Implement AWP on Multiple Projects, Lack of Standards

It is difficult to track project progress and goals performance and ensure AWP success across multiple projects manually. The lack of visibility into each project creates chaos and confusion because reports are not standardized, access to data varies, and project team members vary in AWP maturity.

The Solution: ONBuild for Manufacturing Sites

O3’s ONBuild provides portfolios of smaller brownfield projects with a comprehensive solution of technology and AWP subject matter expertise. These solutions support a quick implementation of AWP.

Highlights include:

  • Cross Project Reporting
  • Executive, Management, & Individual Level Dashboards
  • Data Management
  • Work Package Management
  • Work Package Tracking
  • Constraint Management
  • Supported Work Package Types: Construction, Installation, Testing & Scaffolding


  • Quick Startup: Templates allow users to quickly apply configured settings to new projects including automated approvals/constraints, development step
  • Enhanced Control: Work package development steps ensure a repeatable and consistent process for building work packages
  • Reduced Effort: Automated approval and constraints take the manual effort out of assigning approvals and constraints to work packages
  • Improved Visibility: Default dashboards give various stakeholders a view into data they need to make critical decisions 
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What is Construction Project Management Software?
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