Data & Tech
May 4, 2024

AWP Software – Graphical Workface Planning


7-1-1Imagine that you are a Workface Planner, sitting down at your computer to build an Installation Work Package. (Of course, for some of you, that isn’t really a stretch).

You log into O3 and pull up your project. On the screen in front of you is the 3D model. It looks just like the one that the engineering contactor designed for the project. So far, so simple. But this is where it gets fun.

iwp-4d-sample-1_mp4_hd_1080p.originalSwitching to Workface Planning mode, the selection tree on the left of the screen automatically pivots to a CWA/CWP/IWP hierarchy. When you select the CWP you want to work on, the model highlights the contents and changes color to show you what has already been packaged and what components remain available for packaging.

But just packaging a bunch of components without any detail can be fraught with risk. Do we have the materials? Do we have the drawings? Do I now have to go through emails and reports to try to match the status.

6-2-1Of course not. Instead, you just select the view for status visualization of those constraints. Now the model colors show what components are fully IFC and available. This means that, when I choose them, I can create meaningful and actionable packages.


incorporating-fabrication-in-the-3d-model_mp4_hd_1080p.originalI almost forgot – what about fabrication? The engineering 3D model is a bunch of components for pipe and steel that don’t represent pre-fabrication and what will be delivered to site.

Don’t worry, we cover that too. We have already imported your spool files and steel design files, so what you see when you click on the O3 model is actually what arrives at site, and includes the latest delivery dates from the fabricator.

So now you know what you need to package, you know what’s ready to be packaged, and you know that what you are packaging is actually going to be correct. So click on a few ISOs, or pieces of steel, or cable trays, and click “Add to IWP”.

This is where the magic happens. When you do this, the software will:

  • Estimate the installation hours for the scope, based on the norms (Rates of placement) your company provided.
  • Pull the relevant drawings for the package scope, making sure that they are all the latest revision.
  • Create a material list specific to the scope of work, so you have the basis of a pick ticket.
  • Establish a series of pre-designed constraints against the package, and automatically close the ones that are already complete.
  • Gather a list of execution steps for the work, to give a basis for progress reporting.

All of this happens instantaneously, with no further input from the Workface Planner. For anyone who has ever built IWPs manually, the saving here is immense.

notification-of-model-changes_mp4_hd_1080p.originalNow, route the package for approval (digitally within O3), clear the remaining constraints, and issue the package for execution. Then check progress reports from the field and view that information graphically using a model view.


Graphical workface planning takes an incredibly cumbersome process and turns it into a few step and a little bit of clicking. So for the Workface Planners out there, now you know that this exists, why would you ever go back to the paper / Excel method?

To learn more, schedule your personalized demo today!

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