
AWP xChange Houston 2025

Join us at the JW Marriott Houston Downtown on May 22, 2025 to learn best practices for solving today’s complex construction challenges.

The AWP xChange is one of the world’s leading AWP-focused events, and this year O3 and its clients will share how to leverage technology to implement best-in-class project execution methodologies, including AWP, Agile, and Lean.

Participants will be the first to see O3’s comprehensive Digital Project Management solution, aimed to support all projects, whether they use AWP or not.

Houston, Texas

What To Expect 

Client Case Studies from Leading Owners & EPCs

This year’s annual AWP xChange will take place in Houston! Invitation-only attendees will have the opportunity to hear from leaders in the industry to discuss AWP and other best practices. 

As Advanced Work Packaging continues to grow as the preferred method of project delivery across the globe, many EPCs and Owners are looking for the latest innovations and technology to support successful programs. The AWP xChange is focused on providing real-world examples of how O3’s cloud-based platform can not only support your AWP program but help your entire organization become more efficient and effective, whether you’re an AWP expert, or just getting started on your journey.

Attendees will hear from industry leaders including EPCs, Owners, Contractors and Partners regarding the latest challenges and solutions for industrial construction. 

O3 will lead a workshop with attendees to gain insight into common challenges and the best way we can solve them. O3 will also demonstrate key functionality and what’s on the horizon, including how to use O3 for non-AWP projects.

AWP xChange Houston 2025

Key Elements of AWP xChange

graduation-hat-02 Hear from industry experts who have deployed AWP and the challenges they solved for.
lightbulb-02 Drive the future of AWP software with input into the O3 product roadmap.
users-03 Network with peers that are facing, and solving, similar challenges in the field.
currency-dollar Tons of information and ideas at no cost to you!



Not Your Average Conference

The AWP xChange goes beyond JUST AWP – it focuses on solving today’s complex challenges with technology, and offers customer success stories for understanding real-world use cases.

  • Hear real stories from clients using technology in the field.
  • Get a sneak peak into what’s ahead for O3’s products.
  • Participate in an interactive workshop to tackle some of the industry’s biggest challenges.
